Academic-Faith Coach (AFC)
VCA – A Place Where Miracles Happen
Christian faith-based coaches who support a student’s Christian faith formation in accordance with their parents’ goals and requirements.
Online learning has become an increasingly popular mode of education, especially since the the government’s response to COVID-19 in 2020. However, students face unique challenges in this environment, such as a lack of motivation, time management skills, and difficulty in connecting with teachers. Fortunately, research has shown that having an Academic Coach can be a valuable source of support and motivation for students in online learning.
At VCA-V, our Academic-Faith Coaches (AFCs) are not only academic coaches but also Christian faith-based coaches who support a student’s Christian faith formation in accordance with their parents’ goals and requirements. They provide academic and faith-based support, serve as a source of motivation and guidance, and help students navigate the unique challenges of online learning. This is a unique resource of VCA-V that you cannot find in a public school environment.
While AFCs can provide essential support, parents are the primary coaches for their children and play a critical role in their success in online learning. They have the most significant impact on their children’s development and instill values, attitudes, and behaviors that will shape their future. In addition to providing guidance and support in all areas of their child’s life, parents can create a supportive environment at home, ensure their child has access to necessary resources, and provide encouragement and motivation.

The parent and AFC have different roles, but it is crucial that they work together for the best outcome for the student. The parent can provide insight into their child’s strengths and weaknesses, learning style, and personal preferences, while the AFC can provide academic and spiritual support. When these two coaches work together, they can create a comprehensive support system for the student, addressing all aspects of their development and growth.
According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities, “when parents are involved in their children’s education, children do better in school and tend to have more positive attitudes toward school and homework” (qtd. in “Why Family and Community Involvement is Important”). By working together, parents and AFCs can help students overcome the unique challenges of online learning and achieve academic success while also supporting their faith formation.
In conclusion, while online learning presents unique challenges, by working together, parents and AFCs can create a comprehensive support system that addresses all aspects of a student’s development and growth, resulting in the best outcome for the student.
Works Cited:
“Why Family and Community Involvement is Important.” National Center for Learning Disabilities, 30 July 2019,